Style quiz for lead generation

The Fabletics style quiz is a redesign that displays the most relevant content for each shopper at the right moment so that the customer experience is enhanced and quiz completes are higher.




Product designer


July 2021


The Fabletics style quiz is a redesign that displays the most relevant content for each shopper at the right moment so that the customer experience is enhanced and quiz completes are higher.

The problem

Today we force users to take a style quiz for registration purposes before customers can browse our product. For this reason, we've been seeing users drop off earlier in the shopping funnel which is leading to a steady decline in quiz completion. How might we enhance our current quiz to increase quiz completion rates?

Questions that were asked

I began the project by asking myself the following questions to fully understand the pain points our users were experiencing:

  • How do we give our users the information they need to feel comfortable signing up with Fabletics?

  • What is the main purpose of the quiz?

  • How do we maintain a consistent narrative across post-registration?

Understanding users

In order to further understand the problem, I interviewed a couple of folks to ask them about our current quiz experience. Below is a summary of key themes that were gathered from the interviews:

  • Users don't trust the brand and felt like they were being forced into registering for an account.

  • Users want to browse before making a commitment to the brand.

Audit of the current user flow

I conducted an audit of our current flow to identify usability problems and also to help identify paint points a user experiences during their journey. I looked at how many steps it took to complete the quiz as well as the efforts invested by the user as they were taking our style quiz.

  • Users were unable to browse or shop our products until they took the style quiz and created an account with us. This caused a lot of friction allowing users to get frustrated with the overall experience.

  • Forcing users to take the quiz/register left a negative impact on the overall brand and felt like they couldn't trust this brand.

  • Users just want to browse before making a commitment to the brand.

Frustrated with our registration flow

Based on the audit of the current user flow, there were pain points that were identified that required attention in the redesign.

  • Interaction cost: which is the sum of efforts that a user must deploy in interacting with a site in order to reach their goals

  • Too many form fields to fill out

  • Users don't understand what value is gained from the style quiz and account creation

Initial screens

Prompting users to complete a guided quiz is a great way to learn more about our potential and returning customers. However, we're seeing a steady drop in quiz completion due to the following reasons:

  • Inconsistency in the UI: this is very crucial as satisfying visuals, consistency, and ethical design will make our product appear trustworthy

  • Too many steps

  • Users aren't able to exit out of the quiz

  • No personalization after all information is collected from the user

The solution

  • Provide value: I designed a solution where we explain the rewards the prospect gets from completing the quiz.

  • Be strategic: The quiz should not be any longer than it needs to be. Every question that is asked should provide value to both parties.

  • Relevant images: Since images play an important role in engaging the shoppers to complete the quiz we updated the images as well as the background color of these UI elements for consistency across every brand touchpoint.

  • Narrative + Copy Refinement: For the first time we are tailoring the subsequent questions to what you answer in the quiz. For example, if you say you are looking for bottoms, we only ask for bottoms sizes.

Recommending touches of personalization

After a user completes the style quiz, we recommend products based on their quiz results. The product recommender helps customers discover their perfect legging. The recommendation screen is effective because it:

  • Personalizes: Users are now able to see a relevant product that aligns with their needs.

  • Educates: Users learn about the key features of the product.

  • Simplifies: We now reduce barriers to conversion by recommending a product and making it easy to purchase with a "Add to Cart" button.


I learned to advocate for users in all senses by respecting their rights to personal information even if the businesses thought otherwise. Especially since we were using a dark UX pattern, I needed to figure out what types of information were absolutely necessary to ask in the style quiz and to understand the WHY behind the decisions that were made in the past. Through research and collaboration with all stakeholders, we were able to come to a solution that met both the business & product needs.

20% increase in quiz completion and a 16% in lead registration

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© 2025 Sharon Kim

Let's Collaborate

© 2025 Sharon Kim

Let's Collaborate

© 2025 Sharon Kim